Pulmonology-allergology-thoracic oncology

Dr Jean-Marc Naccache
Head Doctor
Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital
Dr Jérôme Le Pavec
Head doctor
Marie-Lannelongue Hospital

The pulmonology-allergology-thoracic oncology department (Paris Saint-Joseph Hospital) is managed by Dr Jean-Marc Naccache.

The lung is the only human organ that is systematically in contact with the ambient air and as a result respiratory diseases can be quite common. Consequently the lungs are very sensitive to environmental factors. They are also closely linked to the cardio-vascular system.

The department proposes a complete service for all types of respiratory disease, from diagnostic to treatment.  Respiratory conditions are treated using all of the capacities present within the department and the quality of the hospital’s technical platform combined with a multi-disciplinary approach which takes the form of close ties with the other clinical, biological and pharmaceutics departments.

The department has three main objectives :

  • Provide a global medical service through a multi-disciplinary, medical, surgical, psychological and social approach.
  • Respond as closely as possible to the needs of patients and their families. Provide patients with precise and useful information.
  • Maintain close relations with GPs, keeping them constantly informed of all major decisions. All of the department’s doctors have directly accessible telephone lines.

The department is organised around a hospitalisation sector made up of two units : a 21 bed general pulmonology unit and a 12 bed thoracic cancerology unit. These two units are located on the same floor to ensure optimal exchange and collaboration. There is a lounge for families.

Pulmonology, allergology, sleep apnoea and tobacco assistance consultations are organised on a weekly basis. Health checks are completed on an out-patient basis when it is necessary to have access to more than one element of the technical platform. The respiratory functional exploration laboratory is located near to the consultations sector. It measures respiratory function and completes arterial blood gas tests.

The asthma space, our therapeutic education centre, is also located near to the consultation rooms, ensuring direct contact with the specialist nurses of the technical platform. It is intended to help patients to get to know and deal with their conditions better. Bronchoscopies are completed in a specially prepared room in the endoscopies unit. There is a post-op recovery room and an anaesthetist to ensure optimal safety conditions.

Important figures

  • 11,136 admissions per year
  • 35% of the hospital’s medical interventions
  • 16 doctors/oncologists/allergologists

The pulmonology department (Marie-Lannelongue Hospital) is managed by Dr Jérôme Le Pavec.

The main diseases treated

Techniques used

  • Radiology, scanners, MRI
  • Respiratory functional testing and arterial blood gas, treadmill 
  • Pleural puncture, pleural biopsies
  • Thoracic draining
  • Allergology skin tests, medical allergy analysis
  • Sleep apnoea syndrome assessment
  • Non-invasive ventilation, adjustment of night-time machines